01 February 2011

Do The RIGHT Thing!

Human beings are not the only ones inhabiting Earth. There are other living things on this planet; ANIMALS. Naturally it is in our nature to compromise; to give and take, to strike a balance with them. However, more often than not this is not the case.

There are countless occasions where animals are repeatedly mistreated, abused and basically treated in an incredibly cruel manner. Do they deserve this? They too are rightful beings on this planet who have needs like any of us. We all need proper care and treatment as do they and we don't have the right to deprive them of that. No one has the right to jeopardies their lives.

As an introduction to this blog, I will be capturing what ANIMAL CRUELTY is all about and portray issues regarding animal cruelty around the globe.

Should they suffer?

Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without. 
 ~Rue McClanahan

1 comment:

  1. Hey Suzanna!
    I just had a thorough look at your blog.
    Very informative,interesting and mind opening.
    Great job!I'm so proud at you.
    Continue the fight against animal cruelty:)
