Chickens! "Finger lickin good" the famous KFC slogan. Fried chicken is the best! Love it! But have you ever wonder how they are treated before being serve on a plate as a meal? Nobody ever gave it a thought.
The truth is, these animals suffer a great amount of PAIN during transportation and not to mention sometimes in their cages. Many chickens are injured in the process of transportation, suffering dislocated and broken hips, legs, and wings, as well as internal hemorrhages. As one researcher described, “Hip dislocation occurs as the birds are carried in the broiler sheds and loaded into the transport crates. Normally the birds are held by one leg as a bunch of birds in each hand. If one or more birds start flapping, they twist at the hip, the femur detaches, and a subcutaneous hemorrhage is produced which kills the bird. Dead birds that have a dislocated hip often have blood in their mouths, which has been coughed up from the respiratory tract. Sometimes this damage is caused by too much haste on the part of the catchers.”
Once the chickens are packed into crates and onto the trucks to the slaughter plant, they experience a very stressful, fearful, injures and even a fatal procedure (according to a group of researches).These chickens are not given food, water nor shelter from the extreme weather conditions while transportation. Many chickens die during the trip from hypothermia or heart failure associated with the stresses of catching and transport.
Even PETA is going against McDonald for their cruelty on chickens! They had launch a campaign called McCruelty. Check out their campaign page:-
Here's a video to watch. Not only chickens are treated cruelly but also other animals that are slaughtered for their meat. For a clearer view of this video log on PETA's website. I found the video quite gruesome, couldn't finish it. Don't watch it if you can't handle the cruelty.
Check out this footage of "Ronald McDonald" (aka Andy Dick) talking about killing chickens and the cruelty behind Unhappy Meals during an interview with the legendary Jiminy Glick (aka Martin Short).
Is there a more humane way to treat these animals before they end up on our dining table? Can't we treat them better since they provide us their meat to eat?
If animal under stress it won't produce nice meat. For example sick animals cannot be eaten, the meat are tasteless. So don't buy meat from mistreated animal. Well treated animal will produce the best meat and the best taste.